(M)SDS/OSHA Management (MOM)



MOM combines the power of a database, the versatility of internet technology, and a user-friendly interface to provide real-time access to SDSs for all your employees. CSCs (M)SDS/OSHA Management (MOM) system provides a revolutionary way for companies to handle the tedious and costly management of SDSs and OSHA Hazard Communication (HazCom) reporting, tracking and maintenance. HazCom is one of the most-cited OSHA regulations facing industry, hospitals and educational institutions today. With MOM you can be assured that your workers have real-time information on all regulated chemicals at your facilities. This provides for a healthy and safe workplace and satisfies regulatory requirements.


Staying competitive in today’s market requires that companies focus on their core competencies and reduce costs associated with non-core but necessary business functions. Complying with OSHAs HazCom requirements and EPAs SARA reporting mandates is time-consuming and expensive. Compliance becomes even more daunting as the quantity of chemicals utilized and/or the number of facilities increases.

CSCs MOM system provides a Web-based compliance, chemical tracking and reporting program that requires only an internet connection, browser and password to access all available information from a corporate level down to a work area. There is no software to purchase and learn, and no data entry required. Once your account is activated, you can expect improved compliance and material tracking. In addition, the system can assist your purchasing department by reducing the costs associated with buying redundant chemicals at multiple facilities (e.g., bulk purchasing).

CSC has been providing Right-to-Know and safety services to many companies since 1984.

Special Features

  • Fast implementation.
  • Handles SDS of any length.
  • View or print an image of the SDS.
  • Produces printable secondary container labels (NFPA, HMIS, GHS).
  • Electronic access to database through secure internet server.
  • Chemical inventory quantity tracking for SARA and Tier II reporting purposes.
  • Complete on-site hazardous chemical survey conducted by CSCs professional staff.
  • Complete, integrated deployment to corporate (owner), subsidiaries, facilities, departments and work areas.
  • Search by part number, chemical name, chemical component, CAS number, and manufacturer, in addition to department or work area for one or multiple facilities.
  • Numerous reports to cross reference your chemical library to various regulatory and technical lists.


  • No data entry to perform.
  • Relieve key staff of the HazCom burden.
  • Reduces potential of regulatory penalties.
  • Helps to minimize workers compensation costs.
  • Tier II report generation and Form R assistance available.
  • Assists in purchasing by leveraging economies of scale.
  • Potential to reduce or eliminate on-site storage of paper SDSs.
  • Less expensive than in-house SDS management programs.
  • No software to purchase.
  • Implement a consistent HazCom program throughout the organization.
  • Accessible from all platforms that are web browser-capable (PC, MAC, UNIX, Mobile).
  • One central file system ensures complete and real-time SDS updates to all facilities.
  • Distributes SDS and chemical information consistently and reliably to employees throughout your organization.
  • All of the benefits of the internet combined with personalized human service by safety and environmental professionals.
  • Designed by environmental, safety, and health professionals to provide information to comply with federal regulations.

Database Content

  • CAS number for each chemical.
  • Hazard data (NFPA, HMIS, GHS).
  • PDF images of original SDSs.
  • Emergency phone numbers, vendor, and manufacturer information.
  • Product storage codes, container type, pressure and temperature information.
  • Product information including physical state and specific gravity.
  • Chemical components for mixtures and their percentages.

Why Choose MOM?

Pay a monthly fee based on the number of SDSs at your facility and then we go find the SDSs, we add them to your locations, we complete all data entry. No additional fees and no extra work on your end.

Contact Us

CSC, Inc.

  295 William Pitt Way
      Pittsburgh, PA 15238
(412) 826-5480
         Fax (412) 826-5486